Leaning Lodge
The Leaning Lodge has been a safe and welcoming refuge for university researchers, skiers, bikers, trampers and backcountry enthusiasts on the Rock & Pillar Range, since 1958. Sadly, the lodge has been closed since 2014 due to it becoming non-compliant with building codes. The new hut will comprise an entrance foyer, kitchen and dining facilities, 10 bunks, together with a deck looking over the Middlemarch valley way below. Progress on the construction of the new hut has progressed well and last week the first working party since winter completed the internal lining of the hut, the deck sand relocated bunks and bench from the old hut. A further working party after Labour weekend should see the hut substantially completed ready for code compliance inspection. All going well the hut may be open prior to Christmas.
Learn more at: leaninglodge.nz